Chart Options here


Although never ask for feedback

Grayham ! You gave me the best astro reading of my life that still helps me every day. Thank you

I had my galactic astrology report expertly crafted for me by Grayham Forscutt of Galactic Astrology Academy and I highly recommend checking out the website and their offerings. Incredibly accurate and the most informative of all the star sites I've yet to come across and utilize.

Over the past couple of years, myself, my husband and several of my friends have had their charts done by you and have found your work to be extraordinary. I especially have loved listening back as time passes to notice the unfolding. I’m so grateful.

Hello Grayham,
I have listened several times and you hit so many truths that I know ring in my Soul …
In every space and time.
It brought tears to my eyes … as I feel my family of Sirus B, especially in every bit of my fiber … and to hear you speak of them just confirms my knowing and the technology that I have received from my bloodline.
Even that I wanted a water birth with my children and had a version.
I am giving a retreat on 11/11 - and choose to only have woman this time.
I am a published author …
I could go on and on …
My upbringing was quite the Earth learning and they have never felt like my family but more a vehicle.
My Star family has always felt real and at times one can feel a bit crazy to know, see and feel this as your reality.
So I grow up silent of what I would see and know in every fiber of my being.
My mission to my star brother and sisters is non-negoitable.
Your reading made me feel heard and seen.
The work I am doing now, the technology brings me such joy.
I feel privileged and honored.
You reading confirmed my inner relationships with my friends and family from the Stars that have always been united with me.
Thank you

Thank you so much! Initially I couldn't wait and then I got nervous. Haha I always do when it’s a big computer file, like I won’t be able to access it. And surprise, at first my laptop wouldn’t open Any files. Corrupt or wrong kind or wrong app trying to access the files… then All of the Sudden, my laptop figured it out and all of the files it couldn’t opening before it did… with the same apps! So bizarre! Anyway! What an incredible amount of information! I’m trying to pace myself and opening files as you mention them in the audio. I am beyond thrilled, and it is wild that the Deneb Cygnus alignment is this weekend, and Now I find you! Grateful for your alignment and commitment to bringing all of this together for us! Love and thanks and I’ll reach out if I need assistance. Just wow!
Blessed beyond measure.

Dearest Grayham,
I have only listened to the first portion so far but I just wanted to say how incredibly accurate every single thing you have said so far is! I am mind blown!
The energy of academia & Ishtar rang in my soul! Just yesterday I opened up my new business called “School of Divine Mastery” which is an elevated version of what I’ve already been doing for a long time now. I am a teacher of ascension, galactic history, a spiritual development & soul purpose mentor & etheric energy worker amongst a ton of other things that you mentioned!
I also got certified in what I call “3D astrology” a while ago but realized how limiting it is to our overall soul and journey. Regular astrology is good for locating karma, ancestral wounds, patterns & personality traits, disharmonies energies & areas we excel at, however, since we are on the ascension timeline, we are moving back into Galactic astrology so what you do is going to be even in more high demand in the years ahead!! Regular astrology always felt limiting & I knew the moon/lunar energy was keeping us deeply connected to our shadow.
I’m so exited to connect more to Mintaka and integrate all the beautiful pieces.
Thank you so much! You have such a warm, peaceful energy and I’m grateful the divine led me to you!
Anyway Grayham, my deepest gratitude. Just wanted to share my initial reaction with you

Hi Grayham,
Thank you so much for the charts, I have just listened to the first two after the introduction and extensively reading the other material, there is a lot!  Thank you.  I enjoy your voice, and also really liked the sound of the rain at one point in the recording.
It is very accurate and has confirmed things which I understood and deepened my understanding of these things.  I had a reading which outlined my galactic past recently.  Your readings have complimented this really well, I'm very happy with my charts, thanks!
I have indeed been intensely involved in the mystery schools in Sirius B for many lifetimes.  I have had incarnations in Orion, Bellatrix, and I do also have connections with Rigel!
It was confirmatory to hear that this has also been on earth in past lives here.
I have been drawn to ancient sites in Orkney, Shetland, and South England also.
I was stunned to hear of the Avebury/Cydonia connection (scale model of each other)
In the past, whenever I read or heard the term Mystery School my attention lit up.  As a child I was interested in Leylines and Ancient Egypt (only really the geometry and the glyphs, the pharonic aspect did not) I was amazed to learn the pyramid shape will keep food fresh and an edge on a blade.
I absolutely adore sacred geometric patterns, and that they are literally everywhere is such a strong sign of interconnectedness, I really can't understand why it's not obvious to all.
As well as the arts and music, I also do energy healing in this lifetime! I don't have this as a service at the moment.  I see parallels with the Sirian reluctance for success in the pdf there, it's something I am working on.  I do distance treatments for friends at the moment, it's a hands on intuitive method (my favourite kind!) acting as conduit for universal energies.
Many thanks for helping me to remember!  So much to go on with here, deep!
with love.

Hi Grayham, you did a galactic reading for me a couple of years ago and I really enjoyed it. It's helped me to build a larger container for many complex dimensions of awareness and experience I have as a human being. You shared with me that having my sun on the galactic node of the geometry suggested I had important work here, and that I probably identify as a higher dimensional angelic energy. This resonated so much. The reading held so much depth. I have great excitement and a feeling of peace on my path here as it slowly falls into place. I am writing actually to inquire about your music, because Angels are Angles really speaks to me and has been an important part of my healing journey. Just wanted to reconnect with you, say hello and thank you, and ask if you have made any new starseed music? Thank you so much and I hope all is well in your world.

Hi Grayham!
Thank you so much for taking the time to finish my chart and to help me remember! It was crazy accurate and i will enjoy unpacking it very much. It made alot of sense too as i had alot of the pieces of the puzzle already and its lovely to see a confirmation of it in my chart, it's fascinating to find a connection to Atlantis there. I had always wondered if i had lives there. I adored greek mythology as a child and Jason and the Argonauts is one of my favourite a child.Greece is one of my favorite holidays and i can't wait to explore the palace of Athena and the oracle of Delphi.
What is still a mystery is Toulouse. That city in France and a few others have been bouncing around my mind for years like an earworm and it did shock me a little when you brought it up. In my meditations i have also ventured to Polaris. It's not inhabited as far as i can see and heavily guarded by Nordic like beings. I could not find much information about it on the internet but thanks to you I now know it exists and so do Polarians ( linked to Mintaka and Mintakans). Thank you so much!
i will enjoy unpacking my skills although rhythm and dance is no longer a skill set in this current life. i know in my soul that i use to dance alot and have a past life memory of dancing in opulent chandelier filled ballrooms in Russia. ( it's amazing that you mentioned Russia too) i just think being able to express yourself with movement is just one of the most beautiful things about being human.
Spot on also for writing and poetry and a fascination with the human psyche/psychology.
Thank you again for helping us remember!

I can’t believe I have not looked at this is so long. This is actually frighteningly accurate- and I am just in absolute disbelief.

I absolutely adore my charts!! Had them done for my family as well.

Thank you very much for each and every post about Galactic Astrology. I can't get enough of this information. I've been listening to my report and studying my chart and all the extras all week. This is all so fascinating and resonates so much within my Soul. Thank you Grayham.

Dear Grayham,
Thank you so much for the chart. I am blown away by the accuracy and wanted to fill you in on what resonates.
I was a math prodigy and very gifted at art as a child and wanted to become an interior designer. My parents would have none of that because they considered it a waste of my mind, so I studied architecture. However, I became bored and eventually went to medical school. My primary occupation for the past 38 years has been psychiatry with occasional gigs as an interior designer (Isis Interiors) and clothing designer. While an academic at Harvard, my focus was the overlap between neurology and psychiatry, but when I went into private practice I became deluged with women who wanted to work with me because of their history of childhood sexual assault. I developed a highly successful inpatient and outpatient program for these women. This population remained a major component of my practice until I went into semi-retirement this year to devote more of my time to spiritual matters. I am also a published author and had briefly considered going to grad school in comparative literature.
Ever since I was young I have been strongly attracted to Tibet and India. I have been to India twice and more recently visited the Dalai Lama's monastery in Nepal.
Three spiritual masters have spontaneously told me that they think I am a reincarnated Tibetan rinpoche. I also have a strong affinity for Native American spirituality and am engaged in outdoor ceremonies on a regular basis with a tribe on the West coast who thinks I'm a reincarnated chief and medicine woman. The Greek culture has also been a strong draw for me and I have a strong sense that one of my past lives was in Greece. As a child I named my first male cat Plato and learned about Platonic solids. I read Greek plays in college, had Greek roommates in med school, and have performed as a dancer in Greek restaurants. I'm also drawn to Egypt, studied hieroglyphics as a child, and named Plato's littermate Cleopatra. I resonate with King Arthur, perhaps because I am a descendent of the Planetgenet's who currently lives in an English Tudor house that I wanted to name "Lady of the Lake", but thought the better of it coz I don't have a lake.

Nearly two years later, I was called or prompted to look at your data again and listen to your recordings.
I had forgotten everything. Oh my goodness, you were so right about looking at this months or years from now, after I had been on my path for a while and all should make sense then. In 2018, it seemed like you were speaking another language. I understood nothing. Then this morning, I dove in and immediately understood all. It was amazing!
I took pages of notes today and could follow along on the charts you provided. I could relate to everything, where two years ago, I was only a few months into my awakening and still deep into my ego.
I love you for your patience and diligence and I AM incredibly grateful to you.
Much Light and Many Blessings sent your way~

Hello Grayham !
You did a birth chart for me and also a past lives chart a few years ago.
I really resonated with them , especially the past lives one, some beautiful memories for me.
Now a friend of mine wants also the same charts , do you still offer your wonderful abilities for people ?

Grayham Forscutt is also creating personal readings.
He's a very advanced galactic astrologer ❤
I still digest mine from about 2 years ago lol ,
its very extended and deep.

Hello Grayham,
I hope all is well with you. First, I would like to thank you for your prompt response to my order/request for my astrological charts and the galactic information you provided. As you stated it will take me a while to cover all the information and I am amazed at all the "puzzle pieces" I am finding. I am also happy to have something to validate what I have felt for a long time.

Hello Grayham,
I DEVOURED this information last night!
It explains SO MUCH... things I've felt and known since I was very very very young...but not knowing "how" I knew these things...
Looking forward to spending more time going through everything!
Thank you ❤️

Hi Grayham!
I just wanted to thank you for doing N's chart. Your work is mind blowing. We were both staring at each other with our jaws dropped as we listened. There were so many strange little synchronicities. For example, We thought we were in a dream when you brought up the psychic Russian woman in Siberia. We had coincidentally come across a documentary about her the night before and watched it. It just popped up on the Internet and then there you were mentioning her.
N and I are working together on a large artistic vision together. It's a sort of traveling sideshow of extra dimensional consciousness attraction for festivals and such. We are going to have a cinema room where we assist in astral travel journeys using sound as a vehicle. We also plan on having a lounge where ET's are serving elixirs who are in Starseed characters and telling their stories - we're hoping to inspire memories for others to come out (or just have a good time). In both our readings you validated what our gifts are that we can bring to this vision. Of course we already had a sense for self but how validating to have it in a reading such as yours!
Thank you so very much! I will continue to come to you for readings and I have a few friends in mind that I would like to gift a chart in the future.
Have a lovely night/day!

do get your chart done! Grayham Forscutt is amazing and I get more out of my chart and all the materials he sent me each time I read them. I am from Procyan and the description he provided of Procyanans is me to a tee.

Hi Grayham, I have been thinking of you often as I need to reach out and say THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I received my report and dug into it immediately and have been integrating it since. I am definitely being triggered/activated each time I review the charts and listen to the audio. Many things intuitively sync up with past experience and such. I value everything you have shared with me. So much of it makes fascinating connections for me and in my search of what I am here to share with others. The report has given me fresh clues to track down in many of the mysteries I have been working on. I cannot say anything other than a sense of overwhelming gratitude for you and the services you have provided. I just really wanted to get my message to you that I am beyond satisfied with my recent report request and products from Galactic Astrology Academy. I think and know, that what you are offering is out of this world incredible and I feel lucky and thankful that I was led to find you. I am eternally grateful. Thank you from the depth of my heart and soul.

Thank you Graham for my starseed skills chart you did for me a week or so ago. I can't believe how accurate it is.. from Rembrant printing on cloth (I have a degree in textile design) to the arts Gaudi, Rembrant, Yoko Ono etc - I was an art teacher for 12 years, last year went to Barcelona to finally see Gaudis work in real life. To Charcot, Apollo and Askelupes.. I am studying CBT and basic neuroscience,& stress counselling - now teaching people with profound autism. I have also studied tarot, alchemy, psychic development, hence past lives / oversoul resonance in mystery schools with Nefertiti and Ptah, Hermes etc. Its all there everything you put into the chart. I know deep down that I am from Orion but I avoided it due to all the negativity surrounding the past on Orion. I dropped out of spiritualist church awareness class as everyone else meditating saw lovely things and guides whereas I saw experiments with probes in giant dog heads on platters in white labs so was a bit off putting but am now ready to face it all. just need to work out how to put it altogether now. Rodenberry, Morrison and Lewinsky... I started writing novels over ten years ago about spiritual awakening/ star seeds but kept putting on back burner as I thought they would never sell but you telling me that Rodenberry was there exact on the node has given me confidence and the confirmation to continue. Also mentioning an intimate connection to Neptune and crown chakra is true. I am no longer going to doubt myself . I'm sure you don't need feedback to know it works but just wanted to let you know how spot on you were and say a huge thanks.

Hi Grayham. I just wanted to reach back out to thank you again for the charts. I haven't stopped thinking about them, listening to them, looking at them, and have just finished transcribing all of the audios for quick access. haha!
They (and you) have been such a blessing. In fact, this has even prompted some Atlantis remembering (that I've never had before). It's been incredibly fascinating. I now understand why I've had certain desires over the last few years. This feels like the journey of lifetimes and it's all so exciting. Thank you! I am forever grateful for you and your time.
And I plan to be back in touch in a few months for more charts (for my kids and husband).
Thank you!
With love,

Dear Grayham,
I enjoy words and writing but it's been difficult for me to find an adequate way of expressing how truly amazing your Galactic Chart creation and reading has been for me. Mind blowing, extraordinary and prophetic are just some of the words I can think of and those don't even come close. Maybe our Galactic languages would do better than English!
The accuracy of the chart and your analysis was other worldly. You were saying phrases that were so spot on that it was like someone was whispering in your ear about the eclectic mix of seemingly unrelated skills that I have and the way I'd like to use them in the future.
Without wishing to go into dull detail, even the day I received the chart, I was talking about Jung, Sybil, Osiris, sacred space, group dance circles, healing modalities, healing the earth energetically, visionary psychology, the golden ratio, Mary Magdalene template, working with the crown chakra, tantra, a healing school, turning a boy into a man. All in relation to me and, honestly, all on that one day.
Every single thing you said resonated, I understood immediately what you were saying without having to ponder. It was a specific code meant for me and it is astonishing.
You also pinpointed my Galactic origin which I had been wondering about because last year I did a meditation where I saw my soul being born on what I heard was Arturia. Which doesn't exist. But, of course, is Artuvia. As soon as I saw the word Mintaka I knew it was me. And researching the characteristics of Mintakans, it is like my personality is being described in minute detail! On earth, I've been called 'annoyingly optimistic' and 'hyper positive' and now I know why that's just part of my nature!
I'm telling you this because I want you to know how much I appreciate you sharing your wonderful gifts. It's inspired me to start sharing more of myself, too.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Much love.

Graham! You just blew my mind! I’ve been reading all the folders studying all the info ... some of it very familiar with, other added to the grand puzzle of info... and just today I played the recorded Skills chart interpretation and WOHA, this is exactly my whole life! I have experiences and lived pretty much everything you’ve said! lived in Spain, in touch with underground beings... channeling...was a photo-journalist activist when in Uni ... I have worked with astrology and tarot and marketing and interior design... currently developing a personal therapy working with the biofield and utilising light language and tuning forks... sound chant mantras ... I’m called to teacher train kundalini yoga in India... I’m working with and hosting women’s circles! I’ve been on Tv ... it’s insane! I just haven’t explored children education and getting serious with writing... (have published poetry and stuff when young) I also feel Called to create new music ... anyway! Sorry for writing this long text I just want to thank you for giving this tool allowing me to see myself as a whole design , the universal human rather as someone doing bits and pieces all my life! (I’ve even done jewellery ja! ) I do feel like focusing more into one area now... or integrating all into one or two practices...will get into the progressed chart, thank you again!


Grayham, I awakened at 3:00am, received my chart and listened to your reading of it. I find the elaborate detail and precision stunning! First, I want to comment on the method of galactic astrology. It is more holistic and logical than earth centered astrology. Second, the "gifts/skills" analysis is spot on. I am 51 and have discovered most of this knowledge and assignments on my own and with the guidance of helpers from this plane and beyond. YOUR reading and interpretation lines up perfectly with my journey thus far. You not knowing me makes your accurate assessment all the more powerful.
Being presented with my chart in this manner facilitates and accelerates the incorporation of this knowledge into my life's work. My time here on Earth in this incarnation is limited and accelerating my awareness of what I am here to accomplish is an invaluable gift! Thank you.
I readily acknowledge that I will glean more from my chart over time, as I have only listened to it once. There is one topic that I must share with you... you mentioned the placement of "Tokio" and another reference to Japan in my chart. I want to elaborate on a stunning singular connection about that……….…
Anyway, I felt the need to share this with you since you touched on this connection. Again, thank you for what you do and how your work has made an impression on me and will continue to unfold over time. I know that I will want a progression chart in the future. There is a major project/undertaking that I am working on that is under construction now. I believe it is the utopian community referenced in other points of my chart. I want to see my chart progression to 2033...there abouts...for more guidance and clarity.
With Gratitude.

Wow, Grayham. The 2032 chart is incredible. I've been searching my whole life to know why I'm here and what I'm meant to do on this planet... and now I know. It's unfolding and downloading in a way that it feels like it's activating my codes and memories of the future, and that's on only the first two listens! I'm so excited and so grateful to you for what you are doing.
Many blessings and with so much appreciation.

hello Grayham!
I listened to the complete audio, im so surprised about the synchronicity with my life ,you downloaded all the information from my
records with such accuracy:)
I'm starting to understand a lot about myself and why i feel so different all the time, i was also laughing about the like i had a crush on a dude name Rigel when i was like 18 what are the odds..
also the day i talked to you about the chart i was watching mists of avalon movie about Morgana le fey etc, since i was little i started to have astral projection since young age but i didnt know how to control it back then, also since little i watched jacques costeau and i have always felt a special connection with the sea, last year on the meditation I told you about I saw Thoth and he told me about ORION belt and the relation it has with the pyramid grids on earth and I didnt understand back then anything until I listened to you,i work on IT and also give sound therapy and another huge synchronicity.
I just received a gong that i just started using this last week for my therapies, and the guys from there said it was made from a technique from Atlantis, when i play it it makes me feel something out of this world:),
also I love working with crystal grids so everything you said was right on point, i went to a group meditation a couple of years ago and saw myself on Atlantis when it was falling down and we were escaping and supposedly i worked with spaceships and i have also seen myself as an alien form patrolling the cosmic skies... sorry for all my rambling but im just so excited now that i know im not" crazy" haha and also like i cant talk about this with a lot of people actually, i know with time i will understand more, im going to listen every day and continue to download your wisdom 🙂 and try to perfect all the skills, you just gave me the best xmas gift ever, can't thank you enough !
infinite blessings.

OMG, cannot believe how on target, but I supposed it would be so.
I have found amazingly how closely I am following the akashic-beyond any doubt! So much info and extras, I am eternally grateful.
I just became a Reiki master 3 days ago, and reiki was right there in the chart, amongst other things. Did everyone come through a portal somewhere--or are there some that did originate on earth? If that makes sense at all.
I am sure I will come up with more questions. But I must say how ON TARGET my chart is. You are amazing at what you do. Gave me peace as well. Highly recommend to anyone with questions about their journey. Exquisite!!!!

Hi Grayham, thanks so much for both my charts and L's. She's delighted with all she's received and many keys in there for her. For myself so much of what you've said resonates with the work I am doing and my own understanding of what it is I am doing in this incarnation and my mission here. I am indeed a martial artist and a budding drummer and have completed a 15 apprenticeship to a Native American Medicine Woman who has connections with both the Hopi and the Navajo. We work with Altars, Crystals, setting sacred space, initiations of vision quest, sweat lodge and sundance which all feed into the skills you mention, Hygiea, Interkosmos in particular. Also those threads of theatre and chorepgraphy of groups of people, with movement, dance etc. Humour is very important to me as a way to reveal the turth and take the edge of the more difficult aspects of life and the human shadow and in recent years I've really been called to start to embody the sacred fool more and more. So amazingly accurate threads.
Thanks again for you work and I wish you the best with your endevours to come. Heart Blessings


My mind was just completely blown.
As I was listening to the audio, all the dreams and goals and hopes that I had had for my future (really since I was a child) he was describing. Now it of course wasn’t 100% exactly my life plan but archetypes that describe a big picture. Hearing all of this, all of these things that I felt I always wanted to do but was struck with the fear of “who am I to do all of this” almost instantly became replaced with “I am the person to do all of this, because I literally designed myself to be”.
Never before have a ever had such an instant confidence boost. It was truly awe inspiring listening to all of it. And I am so very thankful to have been led to this group and to Grayham for helping me continue on my path of seeking in the most effective way for my own blueprint.
If you are looking to continue your seeking and are ready to pursue your “doing-ness” I highly recommend getting your chart done!
Thank you Grayham!

Hello Grayham!!!
Wow!! I just wanted to say a very quick thank you for the mind boggling info - I have quite a bit of feedback and confirmations which I would like to share with you, but that may take some time.
Accuracy is phenomenal!
Thank you so much - what a gift you have and how you have honed it well.

Thank you for the charts and all the great info that’s included. I can see why this would be applicable for many years. I listened to the audios and followed the instructions yesterday.
Last night after listening to the audio, looking at the charts, and reading the material, I experienced the following:
Strong full body vibration sensation during the in-between waking and sleep state. It should also be noted that I have been working long days and I’ve been completely drained. The only other time I experienced this vibration was about 3 years ago. After 7 days of yoga training I experienced this same vibration. However, we practiced 2 times a day in a heated room doing power vinyasa for 60 minutes.
I also experienced multiple vivid dreams of people I haven’t even talked to in years, some people I didn’t even know. I rarely remember my dreams, but after listening to and reviewing the material you shared, I dreamt many vivid dreams in one night (I also fell asleep around 1230 at night. Again, I have been very drained so even after being drained, I still had vivid dreams. Very rare for me.
Thank you for your works and offerings.

Hi Grayham,
Wow, that was amazing. I'm going to listen to it again during the week.
It's crazy spot on. I want to get one done for our daughter sometime this year so I know what she's interested in.
So funny how music, sound, frequency is mentioned so many times. No wonder why I can't let it go. My life's been dominated by it, I'm obsessed lol.
So many mind blowing things. The saturn return also. It is so funny a few weeks ago I was feeling how funny it was that now I am so into long term. We just had our daughter in jan, so it has indeed felt like the end of childhood and I'm happy to be able to experience such a slower pace now while we're building our family.


Hi, Grayham!
Thank you so much. I have only listened to about 17min total since you sent this to me, pressing the play twice at inner calling.
You totally blew my mind. The progression really makes sense, and Chiron is one of my favorites-since 2013 I’ve been learning the art of healing, including reiki, sound, nutrition therapy and now I am enrolled in acupuncture program. Definitely merging with inner healer!
Another thing that struck me and resonated so much was being of the group that used sound to levitate stones that built the pyramids. The thing you have to know about me is that I am a gong player trained by Don Conreaux and I have been in love with gongs for about 8 years, 3 of them playing “professionally” for relaxation sound baths I organize in Shanghai every week. I haven’t seen them for a while but I had a lot of dreams of Egypt when I was a teenager, and have taken a few astral trips during my reiki psychic meditation course. A client of mine says she often has visions of me in another planetary system when I play gongs. This is fascinating!!
Looking forward to press play again when the little bell inside rings.
Have a beautiful time!

Grayham, thank you so much for my reading love. My response is slow as I am integrating and about to listen for second time. Everything is so...resonant. all of the things you have described...My Stargate describes has been /is being experienced including the shutting down of gifts and talents , of thinking feeling 'not good enough' but knowing deep in my heart yes yes this is what i love this is what I must do/be. Gosh so much to say and then there will be more to say once I understand more. The poetry, movement, art , voice, sound, and then the diplomacy, leadership, inclusiveness so many things that are distorted and suppressed by our unconscious programming, implantation etc. Moving into clarity of knowing who we are is like a spiral of course unfolding with each piece of density shedding allowing new growth, gifts, abilities to be felt and known. Darling you are a blessing to us all and I honour your enduring passion and commitment you bring to this lifetime where you arrived on your path a lot earlier than most of us in Divine Timing to assist us all to ...Love and Blessings


So, WOW!! Once I got to the point where I could manage the files (lol) I printed out both the skills and progressed charts, and then began listening to the audio. It was so fascinating that I just listened to all of them straight through, tried to take notes and catch as much info as I could. I figured it would be good to give it all a run through and absorb it as a whole and then go back and listen to it all more in depth. It's so much information! I will definitely need to listen to them many times. It was amazing to me how many times you mentioned shamanism. I have been drawn to and taking Core Shamanism workshops for the past year and have felt very called to that work, but unsure if it was the right path for me. This was a huge affirmation for me. Other things, too, have already fallen into place a little from the first listen. Sekhmet is significant but I'm not sure how yet. And Tesla! I love Tesla SO MUCH!! Many other things, too. Thank you so much!! I'm so grateful to have some tangible things to work with!! It's like someone flipped a light switch on!

Firstly i have had no interest in Astrology for many reasons... However, Grayhams work is of interest to me because it sits outside the square and is bigger picture.
I have had a slight interest in Vedic astrology due to a 40 year association with indian culture.
The reason i asked Grayham to do my chart is because he is one of a couple of people in the world i have encountered who is related in some way to the NETWORKS of beings who surround the Earth and also many within the CENTRE of the Earth. Although there are others no doubt, much in the field of astrolgy is what i personally consider as low level stuff. Grayhams work sits above what i call the lower 3 densities that relate to the 3 lowest Seals (often referred to as Chakras) and is about the connections that relate to the higher densities.
As a long term Contactee i was curious what would emerge in my chart from a Galactic perspective. Without going into detail, based on my experiences on and off the craft the connections I know are there are confirmed in the chart. When i asked Grayham for clarification on one connection that wasnt mentioned, he looked at what i wanted to know and came back affirming that issue based on the chart.
I wont go into any detail about my chart. But over a few months i am going to look at what is in there that i havent focused on in my life and see where it leads me.
As i have often used what some people might refer to as visitors or aliens as a DOORWAY into their worlds there are a few things of great interest in the chart.
I am very blown away by Grayhams work, when i first saw it a few years back i thought 'what on earth is this guy on about' and thats because i come from a very different background. But after looking at it closely now i can see a phenomenal amount of insight that can come from taking the time to look and listen to what he has to say.
Its not about here's your chart, look at it and thanks very much. In this there is incredible potential that could easily be missed because we are too busy or only want to look through our familiar window.

Greetings Grayham,
Thank you kindly for the comprehensive charts and all the very valuable information. I really appreciate it!
As you went through my chart -- it was a reminder of all the topics and careers that I was really interested in as a child. I was obsessed with Stonehenge, and I wanted to become an archeo-astronomist when I was about 10 years old. I spent most of my childhood reading about ancient Egypt, Hieroglyphs, Greek mythology, the library of Alexandria, Camelot, crystals, astrology, etc.
Trigonometry and physics were my favourite classes in high school. Way before the Internet, I was already searching for and calculating the location of Planet X! I grew up in a very abusive and hostile house, and I ended up in the foster care system. I was in survival mode for a very long time, so I guess I repressed all those innate interests.
I feel like I am still on the right path though. I started to do crystal work and healing grids a few years ago. I am very interested in symbiotics, and I play binaural beats all the time. I even make binaural beats playlists for people who ask me for help/healing. It is really fascinating to me how many markers for sound are in my chart. About 1 to 2 times a month, I sense a pressure change in my head and everything goes silent. I then hear a high-pitched sound in my right ear for about 10-15 seconds. I always wondered if I was getting cosmic downloads when this happened? About 2 months ago, I started experiencing air pops (in what seems to be morse code) in my right ear. I will definitely try to decipher the message the next time that this happens.
Your text on Sirians was very accurate for me. I identified with everything in there (except for wanting to be an accountant haha!).
I chuckled a bit when you mentioned the dark room retreats! 🙂 I can access the astral plane, higher dimensions and different timelines quite easily. Sometimes I can go to the astral plane just by meditating, but I usually need a clear Lemurian quartz or amethyst over my third eye to access different timelines.
I never heard the name Shapley before, but I could identify with the concept. Somehow, I always felt a stronger pull to another place other than the galactic centre.
Now that I know what it is, I will definitely let you know if I retrieve any useful information for your research.
I have had this urge to learn spiritual drumming for a few years, but I always felt too shy to join groups. Now, I know that it is meant to be -- so thank you for that validation 🙂
The connection to Albebaran is entirely new to me, but it makes a lot of sense. The Scandinavian, Viking and female warrior with a sword connection that you mentioned a few times was very interesting. I recently did a DNA test to learn about my ancestry, and the website mentioned a common lineage to a female Viking warrior.

Just a quick follow-up on the "Chart". Lots of confirmation as for the "skills/influences" chosen in relation to who/where I AM now in this HU. Life from what I have known intuitively since a child clear-audience/cognizant (Group Consciousness - 6D - Excalibur-Morgan-Plato- my Lineage with the Magdalas/Grail/Templars/RoyalBlood France etc...)
Much of the "materials" included were on your website which I have explored before contacting you and/or read previously from the other sources (multi-tasking). A refresher as revisiting again bring more memories and understanding.
Appreciate all the "visuals" from your website as to the Golden Ratio in Galactic Star Geometry and shapes.


Hey Grayham- I know you said absorb this info over 6 months- and I shall- but I want you to know it is profound- and I am incredibly grateful for your gifts in learning to unravel and decode all of this.
I want to just mention here 3 major overarching concepts that intersect with this present moment time.
1. I am investigating seeing myself in all ways- with my eyes wide open
2. I take journeys to the Akash, am painting (under instruction from spirit) the Etheric temples- so those who don’t see can access them
3. Have been painting with sacred geometry especially flower of life and the Fibonacci numbers

Actually there’s a 4th
4. In my exploring my past lives- I have been an apprentice with Merlin
Been aspects of several Christ family beings,
Been a high priestess (daughter ) of Isis, been 2 (at least) aspects of characters in the world of Arthur.
I have also been an aspect of Artemis and several years ago was taken through an initiation as her- witnessed by many??? Sirian brings I believe plus others.
Just a brief reflection to you.

I got my starseed chart from Grayham today and it's amazing ! The way it's presented is like having him in the room reading and analysing my personal chart. Thank you Grayham. The future is looking good.


Hello Grayham, just wanted to let you know I read the chart. It's beyond incredible and I'm really looking forward to going deeper.

had my star chart read by grayham was incredible - HIGHLY recommended.

Grayham worked mine out a few days before my birthday & it connected to every part of my being & then some, worth every penny! Even yesterday Medusa placement made perfect sense to a situation I was going through. "Best in the biz" was 100% different and accurate. You can easily see how the others seemed straight out of a text book. Very impressed

I've listened to my charts about 20 times and I gain more knowledge every time. Thank you

Same it was one of the most validating and useful tool I've ever received from someone. I definitely ditto the galactic chart recommendation.

Hi G, I am still mind boggling over my chart LOL, I've got some learning to do for sure!! I feel like I will be researching for a few years ha!!

Wanted to thank you for being you and for coming up with these central sun based calculations for our natal charts.
I have been very happily soaking in the the information you recorded for me. There is so much truth, that I started to write out the connections you proposed so that I may see the words on paper. I had finally context for my love of research, shamanism, study of sound, story writing, comedy and never wanting to grow up! (child). I had a map of the stars when I was six and tried to learn latin so that I might go up to space. I know fully see where those impulses came from.
And I am mostly happy that I have context for home now, Sirius and Aldebaran! I new it made sense when I had very full knowing of being a Viking, and then being a night, guarding the grail in Avalon when I was a teen. Now it all makes sense.


Something amazing happened for me today! Two years ago on April 2, 2016, I requested and received a Galactic Reading from Grayham Forscutt. Today, April 2, 2018 I decided to look at my charts again to see if I could understand it better. I can only assume/guess what prompted me to look at that chart today (as I haven’t looked at it for nearly a year). The messages/information given/provided by the charts were “spot on” regarding 2017 and 2018, and absolutely and amazingly accurate. I was overwhelmed.

Thank you Graham! I am still benefiting so much from your reading last year! I have written down notes, and listened to your recordings, and I am blown away each time, how things are unfolding like you said they would.

Hi Grayham,
there are no words to describe how gratefull I am to have been able to order my chart from you... and wow, it is so accurate...I listened to it a few times allready, a real support to know I am not "crazy"..there is so much which is awake allready, still releasing old everyting... becoming more conscious everyday at a rapid rate..(I am using my balletskills everyday to keep my body tuned, loose etc... again so astoundingly accurate, seems I have been working and or conscious with my skills, my whole life on and off..)
I am a bit late replying to you, actually I wanted to call you to say thanks..! so it's more personal.. or send some pics, so you could see just how everything shines through in my enviroment..;-) and I wanted to mention I found it so lovely to have been able to hear your voice, there is so much love...

I have had my done as well and it explained so much. I still go back and listen to audios and I hear more and more that makes so much sense. You will be happy you have yours done!

Grayham, I must tell you... I just listened through the audio for the first time and am currently delving into the Procyon document... the confirmations, awakenings and familiar vibration within this one document ALONE is overwhelming. I would say thank you, but that human form of extending gratitude does not begin to scratch the surface of how thankful I am to you. There are so many things that immediately opened and confirmed while listening to you and following along in my chart and documents that I still can’t even believe it. I had to step out of it for a moment to express how I am feeling to you just briefly. I am diving right back into it now, but thank you so much

Many thanks for very interesting material, It is quite astonishing how well it all matches. As I mentioned I have strong connection to Andromedan, but also to Orion. All the Tesla, Magdalena, King Arthur, photography, art, interest in mathematics, astrophysics, quantum physics, healing, medium ship, astrology, geometric forms, acupuncture and working with aromatherapy and with crystals, seeing the future and remembering most of my past lives in Mayan culture, Atlantis, Egypt and Hawaii to where I am planning to travel for a longer period.


Hi Grayham
Your work is amazing. I feel deeply grateful for so much knowledge. Your contribution to the understanding of life and the universe is stunning. I want more!
Your interpretation fits harmoniously with my life and what a surprise also to discover topics that I did not even imagine.

Yes! My reading was wonderfully validating. I'm still working through embracing it all. Highly recommended!

I am still processing the info...allowing myself to fully integrate in to what I have always known. So much info, sometimes I am so excited I have to put myself on pause

Hi Grayham,
Beautiful! Thanks, I am a experience first, have confirmations later kind of girl. Your info was spot on in every aspect. I feel there is no description that encompasses where I am but you have touched the tip of the icebergs on all aspects. I like it when these confirmations happen even though I already know they are coming it still rings my bells and bring me joy.
Feels like I am reading the instruction manual after having assembled the structure. I may not understand all the language, yet I do understand it in way I cannot explain. I am in awe of the work you have done.
Total bliss here and I am working and flowing through all my experiences. Super interesting how you can look at the astrology and map this all together.
Thank you for your dedication and all you do!

I was stunned when l got my charts done and now know and understand my journey and authentic soul self that l can fully support It's just Fabulous. It's true magic super connection with the matrix and universe and our great mother.

I was finally able to download (time) and (new recent format)
and reading you so lovingly prepared.
I was awed by the depth
The beauty
The innovative pairings you spent so much time delivering
and explaining.
Thankyou for one of the most significant activations of a lifetime!
After having gotten to listen this weekend several times
- Receiving the quality of the work
- Acknowledging your patience in payment…


Thanks! This is very informative and resonates very strongly with me. Here are some feedback after my first listen:
You were right on with the Arcturian background. In fact, I integrated my 5D self, which is an Arcturian, the day before I was led to your site. I contacted you for a reading within an hour of discovering your page, because I knew this was important.
Thank you so much for this reading. It resonated strongly with me.

Dear Grayham,
I don’t know where to begin. This reading is extraordinary. All the markers here relate entirely to my skills on Earth, but only I could have possibly known about a number of them.
Thank you for all of the knowledge that you are bringing the Earth - and the Galactic - community.
Kindest regards

Still processing everything. It’s so packed with info.....and it all resonates! Exactly who I know myself to be - past, present and future. You are a minefield of information, knowledge and wisdom. Thank you so very very much. I am very grateful

I have to say, that now that I have finally heard my Galactic chart read, you are absolutely amazing beyond amazing. I knew I was from Atlantis when I was 17 and today when I heard you confirm it, i cried. There are so many things that I always wondered about that were right there in your beautiful reading. I don't even know how to thank you besides paying you. You have answered so many Mysteries. Yes, I was always in the play and drama club. Yes, I majored in science. I will be a Reiki master next month. I can't get over your accuracy. Thank you so much. Mind blowing.


Absolutely Fantastic. Amazing how much is encoded into those charts. And finally realizing the reason for the decagon instead of normal astrology aspects. cosmic fractality in DNA!  incredible sytem here. I didnt really realize how powerful this representation of the flow of energy through nested levels was when i ordered. i just knew it was heliocentric.
Everything spot on. Its like i might feel like i don't want to face it sometimes, and just want to be "normal" at some level, but the signals from the universe are unmistakable.
astral photography and laser photography... O.O yes!
Dream to build a biomancer complex. permaculture design, sacred biologic architecture, center for enlightenment science, medicine, development. The true biomancer is a biome answer. life rectifying cosmos in divine will. spiritual energetics and the physics and science behind why its a real thing and not woo woo pseudoscience. i figured ill have sensory deprivation there. as well as a strong library and developed curriculum. theraphi is on my list. dark room retreats definitely on my radar. good to be reminded though. ive only seen them with montak chia to open the third eye. as far as rituals i had wanted to become an ayahuasquero but instead i have taken up a daoist course of study for this purpose under the final disciple of the amazing prophecy fulfilling living legend dr jerry alan johnson, kelly ryan lake. generating the power personally instead of there was a lot that got me thinking about new potentials. talk about healing with water and frequencies in a sensory deprivation tank. whoa! It really explains a lot that i am an ultraterrestrial starseed (and not just saying that either, now i know what that actually technically means). i have always felt like this was my first incarnation despite the fact that through my research it has become difficult to deny the phenomenon of multiple incarnations.

Hi Grayham,
Wow, no words!
Will get back to you with a more detailed response when it sinks in. . .
Totally blown away! update.


Apologies for not getting back to you sooner but we were totally blown away by the accuracy of your reading. S especially, as he is the more skeptical one.
All aspects of the charts resonate, most of which we know and can feel, but to receive further validation is always pure joy.
We now have a better understanding and can put meaning to our core connections and are excited to further explore and develop our strengths, thanks for the references and links - this is priceless.
Yes we are very supportive of each other, we do pretty much everything together.
It will come as no surprise to you then that we read very few stories, novels but rather prefer to read text books and are avid researchers. Coincidently, the first real story book I ever read was The Mists of Avalon - the story of King Arthur and Avalon from Morgain and the woman's perspective, it touched me deeply and so beautifully written by Marion Zimmer Bradley - I read this in my late twenties and totally fell in love with it. So yes - the whole King Arthur, Stonehenge, Merlin story line etc. . spot on!
Magdalen: One of my favourite pieces of healing music is from sound healer Tom Kenyon who has channelled The Songs of Magdalen and also wrote The Magdalen manuscripts. . . his work is truly beautiful.
Hawaii - We both have a penchant for collecting vintage Hawaiian clothes - Steve with the classic Hawaiian shirts and myself with the barkcloth flowery dresses and pantsuits from the 50's and 60's. We did discuss going to visit for one of our 50th birthdays but the universe had other ideas.
We have spent the last two years building our off grid motor home Betty, 'who is a rather stylish beast' and are set to enjoy travelling to at least six festivals this year, ranging from the arts, pagan, ethical, healing etc. . . kicking off with two immersive O.B.E workshops in France in March.
We are aiming on traveling full/time for maybe five or so years, learning and exploring all manner of mind expansion. Perhaps going from community to community, workshops and visiting sacred sites. We are currently creating a blog to share our knowledge and experiences to connect the dots on all levels - with the intention to bring about and trigger conscious awakenings from a place of love . . . I have been working with a healing modality 'Star Magic Healing' working with light codes, sacred geometry, mystery schools, DNA activations and star constellations and all other magical things. . . it is very powerful, extremely creative and I love it. . . remote healing will be a large part of what I do whilst we are on the road. Holding healing groups is something I see in the future, when my confidence grows. So for now as we manifest our future, it is playing out exactly as your charts reveal. . . sharing our knowledge via the internet and healing in a creative way. Until we find our magic land upon which to settle and build a home and community.
So that's enough for now, we will be going over the charts again tomorrow night 'so much to take in' and so we may come back with a few questions if that's okay?
Many thanks for your insight and for the incredible work that you do.

Many feel to share their experience

Hi Grayham,

I'm not sure if you remember me, but I ordered a reading from you in 2018. Even though some of the information made sense to me at that time, there were still missing pieces that I did not understand.
I listened to the recording again a few days ago and I was blown away. There are so many things that have come to fruition, and I'm almost in a state of disbelief.
For example, I have the asteroids Star Girl and Osiris in my chart conjunct the Galactic Center. You described Osiris as the "psychologist", which didn't make sense to me at the time. However, I recently completed my Master of Science degree in Psychology with an emphasis in Child and Adolescent Development last year. When I listened to the recording, I was moved to tears because I finally had more clarity.

Still uncovering new info. and depths in my chart even after 6 years! Thank you Grayham.

Hi Grayham,
I am writing for two reasons….first is to say I can’t tell you how amazing it has been listening and re listening to your audio. There are so many things that explain so many other things in my journey!!

Dear Grayham,
Thank you thank you so much for this session, it was so immensely beautiful and meaningful to share this and unpack this together with my 17 year old son. Especially in this timing, graduating and getting ready for university.
This is something we keep on unpacking but he was so astounded already by everything he read about the Procyon star, everything resonated with his core, he came as a volunteer and with lots of ambition. He was so surprised that every study he considered was in his chart as well!
Looking forward to see him grow into the amazing man he will be.
Thank you thank you so much for empowering so many people in this way.
With a lot of love!

In case anyone is wondering…GET a reading from Graham. It’s like the gift that keeps on giving!!! I am SO grateful I found you way back then. Absolutely has helped me in SO many ways after my sudden kundalini awakening left me forever, instantly changed and open to galactic family.

Dear Grayham!!!
I don't know what to say (despite my communication skills 🙂 This is the most important hour (literally and figuratively) of my life!!! I resonate with Every precious word. Your voice and your words were telling me a special story of which I knew about (or had some inkling), it all just seems so perfectly planned it feels like OH WOW!!! I will never be the same. I am so so so Grateful and Thankful and Appreciative and JOYFUL and full of energy for the future. I could barely sleep last night (and I only was with a little bit of it). I am also so THANKFUL for the beautiful resources I cannot wait to see them (I just kept listening to Your Storytelling and couldn't take my eyes anywhere else on the first run though - I will use the resources next). I didn't want to wait to tell you though how much I Love this most important life gift for Me! WOW!!!

Hello Grayham,
Only just now I had the time and disposition to listen to your chart reading.
First off let me say that you have a great voice - soothing, wise and joyful. It was a pleasure just listening to it.
It's very interesting to notice how many of the skills you've mentioned have manifested in some way over the last 10 years since I've started to become more multidimensionally aware.
Will listen to it a lot more times to really get more profound understandings.
But for now I thank you very much - it has been definitely a worthwhile birthday gift.

I really love your work. Having a treasured reading with you was one of my best investments ever.

Thank you so much for doing the reading for me!
I just listened through your audio.
Greyham, this reading was very, very exciting, confirming, fulfilling and eye opening.
I can go on and on and on… but I better stop now.
Thank you again for this amazing chart!
I’m sure more and more key words will start to resonate with me as years go by, like your other clients experienced.
Please take care, I will keep visiting your web page
There is a whole lot more to learn there! Just love it!

Had my helio chart done by Grayham. So many things stand out for me.
I love the way I’m unpacking this chart years later. The gift that keeps on giving...

HI, I just listened to my charts again-and WOW, totally amazing 1/2 year later. Spot on. Thank you again.

Hi Grayham!
I hope you are well.
I am listening to those recordings over and over always experiencing some new layer of truth. Pieces are coming together.
So let’s move on now. I am ready for past lives chart:

This is G. I received my chart from you and was blown away immediately by so much. I don't even have the human words at this time to express how I am feeling, but this is for sure going to be a process and also something incredibly useful for future endeavors as more comes up. Everything you charted resonated on a very deep/emotional level. I will be looking to expand in the future.

Dear Grayham
Thank you so much for my chart and all the additional information. It's absolutely fascinating!!
What is most incredible is that I have been on a bit of a 'magical mystery reading tour' over the last few years... And I now see that essentially what I have been doing is retracing my steps!! It is unbelievable! Even down to research including Gobekli Tepe!!
It has put so much in context! I knew before the chart that I was probably meant to be writing about this extraordinary journey and that it related to my story... But until today I could not quite understand how.
What a profound inspiration.
Thank you so much!

Your work is incredible, the information given in your charts spoke directly to my soul resonating as absolute truth thank you especially the 222 criteria.

There is so much here. It truly will be years of unpacking this beautiful journey. I have listened to a couple of the audio's and everything is spot on. Like more than any other astrology reading has ever given. It really cuts to the deepest part of my soul. I feel like you know me on a soul level more than anyone through this reading. And i have not even gotten through everything yet, and yet will be taking my time going through this again and again. Gratitude. I am amazed at all the depth and information that you have provided. I have known my birth chart for as long as i can remember, and have studied Astrology for some time, but the way that it comes through you, is a whole new level. I love the way you connect everything. Every word resonates strongly. Perhaps we will connect again in the future as i continue my journey? So much gratitude- this is amazing.

Dear Grayham,
Thank you again for the time you took to create my Giga reading. It was most profound.
From artistry (been creating with my hands all my life in various mediums from woodwork, pottery, sculpting, painting etc.) to musician (I play many instruments:piano, guitar, flute, different kinds of drums but only in my personal life, to also having sang in Choirs & every chance I get to sing), to linguistics (speak, write, understand 5 languages) including spirit channeling daily, collecting information like a detective (worked as a fraud analyst for many banks for many years) (as well as researching about everything that is of interest to me), to healing & spirituality (Buddhism for the most part, but not solely and working currently on the healings of my ancestry, using reiki, crystals (reading & programming/re-programming), inner chanting for vibration/frequency as an outgoing wave to the cosmos & a huge love for dancing & trance work) as well as an inherent understanding/knowing of manifesting & manifestation processes, as well as a love of all that is (male, female, masculine & feminine, relationships, sexuality, oneness within self/others as there are no others only the I that is within all) as well as plant & animal life (organic gardening is a big one for me, as well as having wildlife come to me for companionship and exchange of wisdoms) it could not have been more spot-on.
Having lived on 3 major continents in this life time (Europe, U.S. & Australia) I have traveled substantially through many countries that I always felt called to and each time it has been a remembering of past lifetimes & pertinent cultural rememberings while bringing cultures together in the form of teaching others about acceptance through finding common grounds & celebration of life in general.
I am well aware of the Merkaba having seen my own in multiple visions & dreams which were always very profound experiences.
At this point I could go on and on about much more in detail, but it would become a book or an incredible amount of hours of conversation.
Needless to say the whole of the Giga chart is incredibly spot on!
It was a great delight to see such accuracy of the whole of it.
Many blessings to you and Applaus for the work that you have chosen to do in this lifetime. I reckon you chose it very well by listening to your calling as to what you are doing. Well done!
Kindly & profoundly

Thankyou so much for the kids charts .. having had one from you myself it was no surprise to me to see the accuracy, however both M and F were blown away and have been spurred on by the confirmation of what they had already retrieved from within their own selves .
Very grateful .
Biggest love and Brightest Blessings sent for you.

THIS IS SO COOL!!!! Thank you so much!!
Okay so, I couldn't wait to respond to you. I know I was supposed to only listen to the first 10 minutes, but I'm 24 minutes in and AMAZED.
First of all, I AM a musician! I have a masters degree in oboe performance and I am a singer as well! Funny story is, I really do NOT like the composer Ravel, so I laughed out loud when I saw that.
AND! I'm in love with Tesla, the man and the car!
AND I have been working with Healy - similar to the rife machine - so as you're saying reiki and Tesla... I am just mind blown so far. Everything you've said is 100% me. People DO listen to me, I have over 500K subscribers on youtube!
So far, everything is just affirming that I am on the right path.
Can't wait to keep listening!! THANK YOU!!

Thank you so much Grayham I have already listened multiple times - there’s so much here, I’m getting many insights and clarity already and I know this is a sacred tool to last me many years!
So much makes sense. I feel I will be emailing you in months/years to come with deeper realisation too.
Have a beautiful week!

"A few months ago, I had my chart read by Grayham and I thoroughly enjoyed his audio reading. However, what I was not expecting was for his reading to be so enriching and more meaningful as time passes. Each time I listen, I gain a better understanding of what skills my soul has and how these skills can be integrated to help myself and others on path to self-discovery and enlightenment. With his guided reading, you will begin to see the interconnection within our galaxy, and feel you are being led down a path that is a higher truth for oneself.
I study astrology currently, so I can confidently say Grayham’s style of astrology is highly accurate. Avant Garde and highly enlightening: his chart readings are a futuristic journey to know the inner self. This is a must do for anyone looking to connect to their higher self. Thank you, Grayham"

Hello Grayham.
First, I would like to thank you so much for working with my chart. I have begun to study Astrology, but am unfamiliar with "Galactic" astrology. I tend to approach most things with a healthy skepticism although I was optimistic with your great reviews. This said, after listening to the chart audio, I was literally shaking...but it was in a good way...I felt energetically charged.
Your astrology is so accurate and my oversoul definitely left me many clues that were meant to be found. So much aligns it is inspiring for me.
Thank you so much for this. It means a tremendous amount to me.

Hi Grayham:
Your reading is absolutely incredible! I have been studying my astrological chart under both vedic and tropical astrology for some time but the insights you were able to provide through this galactic astrology goes way beyond that. I can already see how the planets and asteroids mentioned in the reading relate to natural skills that I do possess. There was a lot of information given and this is definitely going to take me some time to really understand and integrate but I appreciate having this information upfront.

Hi Graham,
I hope this finds you well?
I just wanted to drop you a note to say huge thank you for preparing this information for me.
A lot of which resonated deeply with me. You mentioned the Canary Isle of Gran Canaria…I visited there when I was 14, it was my first time leaving the UK.
Interestingly, my vision aligns to a lot of the elements you referenced to, it now makes sense why I have such a strong connection to Yoko Ono… (and John, it’s like he’s been guiding my vision somehow, as the synchronicities are intense). I hope to connect with her when I am finished my book.
Anyways, thanks again Grayham, I really appreciated the time and effort that went into my report. You are truly gifted.
In kindness.

You did my chart in January of 2018. Tonight I found a juicy little tidbit that I hadn't seen, in close to two years. You are spot-on. My chart is pure perfection and I thank you for being so thorough.

Hi Grayham,
I just want to thank you! I’m in the very early stages of understanding it obviously but so far it resonates immensely and makes more sense than any other Starseed information that I have come across. I’m so grateful for all of this knowledge that you have and share. I have been looking forward to this for about a year. I could not thank you enough with words! I realize that most people are not into as far out things as I am and I have found that many Starseed identifying people are not even really into astrology. However, if you don’t mind, I’d like to mention you on my social media and talk about the website and chart reading. I feel very fortunate to have come across your website.

Hello Grayham,
I have to say so many thanks to these beautiful life altering gifts you are bringing here, wow! I have been working with the information you gave me, mostly the first half of the starseed skillset audio and it has shifted my whole life and the momentum has absolutely picked up. I received your email the first day of a solo retreat time I set up for myself, to be alone and in solitude for five days while I do my inner work. Perfect timing to say the least.
This chart has opened my eyes to some things that were already there, and gave me the motivation, validation, and inspiration to tie all these things together and rise to my fullest potential in this lifetime.  This has truly been life altering and has seemed to activate my connection with my higher self, or guides and I am receiving lots of 'downloads' and upgrades.
The sound aspect of the chart also really interests me. I grew up having horrible ear infections and have a hearing impairment in my right ear. However I have had some intense moments where I will go in a trance (or hypnotic?) state listening to music and time slows down. I have tested this out watching the seconds go by on the computer screen, so there is much to explore with this I think. I have a feeling there are some untapped gifts in regards to my sense of hearing.
I will give to you my deepest gratitude, thank you so very much, you gave me the greatest gift and I am so blessed to have stumbled upon this.

Hi Grayham,
Let me share with you my first spontaneous feedback after first listening to my charts. Wow!!!!! Deep, multidimensional, gentle, inspiring, spot on and empowering!
My heart is bouncing like a little ball in recognition of all the insights of your readings.
“Star” memories and “Earth” memories has lined up before me, or I should say fractaled around me. Definitely they are all to be integrated with time.
I am very grateful!
Good food for though (and definitely my life challenge how to integrate within one personality so many frequencies, ha, ha!).
Thanks for all the charts and additional materials you attached! 

I have to acknowledge that Grayham Forscutt ‘s detailed analysis of my galactic astrology chart was completely accurate on the skills/ experiences I have shared with the group. It was amazing that he mentioned specifically clairvoyance, telepathy, remote viewing... and much more in my chart. Receiving that validation from someone on the other side of and to be able to provide such an accurate account of my experiences was astounding!!! It was one of the final validations I needed to feel comfortable sharing so much of my inner/outer experiences in our Starseed group.

Hi Grayham, I wanted to reach out to thank you very much for my reading - I have been digesting it over the last few months and will admit that it did unground me a bit as I expanded my understanding of myself and this experience of life, what it has been, is and can be. I must say that it is very powerful and resonant information and is now assisting with reinforcing many moving parts within me as I refine my elements and find practical ways to bring them to life.
I also wanted to tell you that I very much love your album Angels are Angles and feel it activates my starseed lineage. I purchased the album yesterday and just wanted to write to say thank you!

Hi Grayham, hope ur staying safe & well
It's been a while since I got my galactic chart from you and I can feel everything is about to happen like it's forecasted - very exciting!!!
Just wondering if u are still doing the charts?
I am wanting to get some done for my family!

Hey Grayham,
I just want to say thank you very much for the charts and voice readings, and all the information in general. I am overwhelmed with it all and still going through bit by bit but I just absolutely love the content. It has been quite life changing for me to learn so much about myself and there's a lot in the chart that explains many facets of myself I was reading the Pleiadian agenda before you sent the chart and was really taken aback to learn it was more than just a book I was reading but actually apart of my genetic make up. I feel like the charts answer a lot of questions for me as to why I've never really felt settled on earth and always felt like this was never truly my home.
Thank you for sharing your gift with me, it is absolutely amazing!
Kind regards

Hi Grayham!
Wow, I am extremely grateful for your profound insights on my behalf. I couldn't bring myself to eat this luscious meal in tiny bites as you suggested, I gorged myself in everything you sent over last night, and again this morning... so many possibilities, and so many skills to combine in new and endless possibilities.
Orion has always been my favorite constellation, which makes perfect sense.
I feel readings like this should be mandatory for every person at birth! What a different world it will be when we all remember from the first moment what all our cosmic ancestry is, and the work we are here to accomplish. Perhaps I wouldn't have waited until I was in my late 30s to finally activate my merkaba and be able to escape the physical plane now and then LOL
I don't have words to express how inpired and peaceful I feel right now. Thank you so much, what a beautiful gift you have given me.

Hi Grayham,
I’ve listened to the charts several times now and what can I say!!
I wish to just keep it short and sweet without ranting about everything that has made sense to me.
First of all thank you for shining a light on my map of parenthood. This reading has given me a great perspective on what to look out for and also how to help the boys as they keep progressing throughout life. .
I am humbled to have become their mother and I always feel that they are my guardians than I am theirs.
I am looking forward to growing together with them as I feel that they such graceful teachers and also give me many migraines.
I feel, after I learned about our Andalusian ancestry recently which is now Spain and also being connected to the lost worlds, I am almost certain (Now) that we have been there together in that area.
Will talk to you soon Grayham.

Wahou amazing !!! Thank you !.
I just listened to the first chart you did for me 3years ago and it was even more powerful now, and so much understanding !
I am so grateful, thank you !

Hi Grayham, just wanted to pop in and say thank you for doing my charts. Some things I felt like I already knew, some things just absolutely amazed me and really resonated with me and a lot of things I’ve yet to understand so am excited to bank those away till later. I want to thank you for sharing your knowledge and giving me what has been the best gift I’ve ever received. I feel like I have changed since reading through my charts too in the best possible way. When I first received them I spent the first weekend putting all my time into it and listening to it over and over as I was just amazed by what was in there, I over indulged and had a few processes around different things but it was the most enlightening feeling because I felt utter truth in who I am. I am so grateful that you were able to share my skills with me through yours! Mind blowing stuff Grayham so thank you.

Dear Grayham,
Thank you so much for the indepth information.
So appreciate and am so grateful.
It has validated all prophetic experiences all the Rigel , Arcturian and Pleidan expressions, musical and artist experiences ,Community and DNA weaving one's within this Planet and in other Planets and all the science information with Astro genetics, molecular biology, star walk and gazing ...All of it .
The role to Unify Star races and to facilitate Community Master planning architecture design etc ..
I had awareness of all but felt so so overwhelmed with so many potentials and how to blend them all together and activate them .
Being mainly a Big picture person taking one at the time it has not felt totally coherent.
I am a voice alchemist , an multi media artist , designer of templates based on Albion and Star composition of earth changes coming up from the future ..
Being currently activated too with Teleportation information not only DNA ...information that on the surface I have no understanding but once I ponder the knowingness comes through slowly...
I had to stop and pause and take a breather to see how this all thing is going to be embraced with the current skillset .
I will perhaps take a dark room retreat and sit with it..


Many, many thanks again for this amazing material
It is so spot on my personality and what I am and what i am planning to do
I have big interesting in photography and doing arts, also healing with voices and work together with angels with voice healing. In November I am going to London for more training on this. I can play piano and like to sing and will be healing people with my voice in the future ( I know)
I am designing clothes and have big interest in interior design ( i have interior and antique shop and has been working with fashion a decade and drawing fashion all my life since I was little)
I am planning to write down some ideas for films and planning to write a children's book and see a film coming out from these.
I have all my life been interested in Mayan culture and calender and also in Bio Geometry and lei lines. Sensitive to correct lei lines and Feng Shui in the interior designs.
Thinking of colours and colour codes daily and how they affect us. I have studied general medicine ( 3 years) and I also has Acupuncture education and has been working with essential oils and stones to correct energy lines in the body.
Astrology since I was young and working with the chart as my Taro cards. I have been introducing people to each other since I have seen who would match with result of marriages. They call me a match maker.
I remember many of my past lives, the life before this in Germany working as an assistant for a rocket scientist and died in an explosion.
Living in France as an travelling artist. Living in Egypt and as American Indian, Mayan etc etc. Living in India and been a temple dancer.
I have so much energy to do all these things ( I think some kind of ADHD issue) and I feel that there is so much more to come out from me.
I have met very strange people in my life and been *led* strange ways to meet them. Some telling me they are Reptilians and they have taught me of geometrical structures of Universe and my geometrical structure as we all have that. UFOs, star ships, dead people coming leaving messages etc. Andromedans and Orion people, cat people etc.
So all in all to outside people I am very odd and strange, but I have never cared what other people are telling. At school I needed not to study mostly at all, but had always the best grades. I many times wondered myself why I could answer to teachers questions even I didn't study. From where this info came from.
I tell You all this just to verify what You have said about my chart.
Thanks and have a nice day

Hi Grayham,
Thank you for an amazing bundle of information. I am blown away by the fact that Galactic Astrology exists since I have been contemplating whether astrology "exists" beyond earth or not. I studied Medieval Astrology but would love to know how I can go about studying this body of work too. I haven't gone through everything you have sent me as yet, however, I resonate with the Sirian connection and I resonate 100% with the Lyran information. About a year ago I began putting together a programme called "Aramatena Ascension Astrology" which includes studying the Lyran History and the Orion War that broke out there. The diagrams and symbols speak to me too in the images you sent. Thank you for your effort and time.
Warm regards.

Thank you so much, Grayham, for your "Akashic Reading" type Galactic Astrological chart you have provided to me.
I greatly appreciate you and the time you put into the many layers of Galactic Consciousness and assisting wo/man kind into our deeper and clearer understanding of our role as Cosmic Citizens.
Thank you so much! I greatly appreciate the many charts and folders of information that will assist me in my exploration of my present, future and past roles. Wow! What an amazing gift you have given to me! Thank you so very, very much!!
I know we will be in touch!
But I didn't want another minute to pass without thanking you for this beautiful and much appreciated gift you have given to me!!
Much Divine Gratitude to you and to life!

hi Grayham,
thank you so much for the incredible charts & readings. Not sure if you are interested in feedback, but thought id just let you know that you were spot on!
Im an artist, and i paint nature/ocean, sacred geometry, ancient energies, cosmic themes, amongst many others. I am also a good writer and poet, and I have a large social media following where i blog about my art. Hawaii has always been of particular interest to me (been there once but was a beach/shop holiday so feel the need to go back and get into the energy of the land and people more)... also have laways been drawn strongly to Lemuria. I can 'read' people, and am good at gathering people and info, and getting the word out.
Many more things you mentioned were literally 'nail on the head'... but those are the ones im remembering now.
Oh yes, when i was in my late 20's i read 2 books called "Ptah"( a channeled entity/energy sharing wisdom & knowledge) ... and i see Ptah comes up in my chart! I had never heard of this then and not again until now. They were 2 of my fave books ever and I kept them (normally i pass books on once done, but these ive had for over 20 years) anyway, just wanted to let you know.
Im gonig to listen to them again during the week, letting this sink in first and seeing what comes up for me. thank again, ...brilliant!

Seriously... my mind is blown (but in a good way). "I cannot thank you enough for your gift to humanity, and for the gift that came to me in the amazing Galactic Astrology charts and audio insights you made for me. I have experienced nearly everything in this lifetime in my charts as you laid them out. And there is more time to integrate the other unknown aspects and to make them a part of this lifetime, if not the next! These audio and visual files have given me new vision and new goals and so much insight on how to proceed with what has been calling me so strongly. Please take this as a testament to my gratitude and joy at finding out more about my authentic starseed self. Your skill and gift is incredible! Thank you!"


Hi Gray,
I want to thank you for my birth chart, it was eye opening and it confirmed all what I am and will become...
In the Spring I am going back to school to study, what else, Mechanical Engineering, with a minor in Astronomy, things are not done at random.
During this lifetime, I have been able to help people out by reading them the cards, seeing into a prospective future (which can change), being a healing magnet (people just start telling me their life story), being a cathalyst for change where ever I go (literally companies have closed because of me working there), calling people with telepathy, seeing my home world, talking (if you can call it that) to beings that have come to visit me (I have even seeing the written form of their language), and so on and so forth.
But I was surprised that all of that does show in a birth chart, (Vega is my father's mom maiden name) very interesting. The only regret (if at all) is that I didn't have somebody to guide me during my formative years, I didn't have a clue what I was doing, I didn't have a "formal" education per se, it was all a remembrance of my past lives.
I am very excited on what is to come for me, you mentioned something about lenses, I have an idea of a prototype of sorts, for one. I also have some other ideas that have been planted by my night "visitors", that include color (Iris) and fashion...
There is so much more I would like to talk to you about, but I know you are busy, and you are going to get busier, I see a huge expansion happening very soon.


Wow!!! Just listened to my reading.. word for word who I am, have been and see my future self exactly. Mind blowing awesome!! My standards are exceedingly high... If you had any inspiration or any doubt... get this chart done. Wow... Thank you ! Written words can't come close to describing what is alive inside me after the reading.

Thank you Graham. I appreciate your time and assistance.
I can channel Healing Energy and prefer remote healing, it's more powerful.
Lately, I have been Dowsing and clearing myself as well as practicing clearing water, detrimental energies, etc.
Everything about the charts resonates with me in one way or another.
I am truly amazed by what I have learned through the reading, now it's my turn to figure it all out.
Also, you might find this amusing, when I was young, I thought that I was Cleopatra in a past life!
I loved reading science fiction by Isaac Asimov, and I studied about Tesla.
There is more that I could tell you, but you already know!
I am blown away by this astrology!

I’ve just had a listen to both of our charts-very interesting! I will have to listen to them several more times to gain a deeper understanding. I’m sure I will have questions as I go along. I thought you might like to know that I am a psychotherapist and I do intend to write a book! Not entirely sure of the topic so I know that it is not time. I have already written a children’s book which my sister illustrated but we never did anything with it. I also thought you might like to know that S. is adopted. Of course I know that she was meant for us whether through my womb or someone else’s. That’s all for now except I love your voice - very gentle and soothing!
Much love.


Dear Grayham,
Thank you so much for the chart and your wonderful explanations. It very accurately reflects my life and my knowing of my mission. I am a psychic medium and an Intuitive Development teacher, who works with "guides" that you talk about - Isis, Mary Magdalene, Tesla, etc....I'm currently in the process of growing the development arm of my business with a goal of creating an academy and publications to teach others how to access their divine knowing through frequency. Everything in your explanations made so much sense, we use much of the same language in our teachings actually and I will be sending my students your way for these fabulous learnings and insights. If you are open to it, I would love to write about my experience with you in an upcoming newsletter, I'm happy to do so. Your gift of sharing this is so needed and I am so blessed to have received this information through you.

Your voice is soft and peaceful, very easy to understand ur words and even my cat been listening with me /been drawn to ur high frequency vibrations.  Actually yesterday when I opened ur email I felt high energy in my heart/expanded greatly and bliss been touched my all, also lots of feathers appeared at the same time on my path (I was walking in front of a shop) So, clear signs/confirmations..... What else can I say? Gratitude, blessings, love and light.

WOW!!!! I just went along with my urge to get these charts but really I had no idea how blown away I would be! Thank you so much Grayham so much has been validated for me from just the first listen so i'm really looking forward to going through and utilising all the information you have provided and listening to your amazing explanations over the years to come - truly lifechanging!! LOVE your work 🙂

I am not even halfway through my birth chart and I'm crying like a baby. So much understanding of me. Of who I am. You are speaking of my crown chakra at the moment. Before I go any further I wanted to tell you that this seems to be my strongest chakra. Or whatever it may be called. My scalp prickles and feels like a thousand little feet and then it starts to spin. It does so even at times like this. I am hearing and seeing and ny crown chakra is spinning like crazy. It spins with resonance when truth is spoken or for me to stop and look. It spins like this when it involves my purpose. Already, I know I could never thank you enough for what you are unlocking or I am finally accepting within me.

It honestly blows my mind that it has been a month since you sent my charts over. Not as much as my mind was blown when I first read your material, but you get my drift. I finally have a minute to reach out to you about the wonderful work you sent over. It was intriguing and it certainly resonated on many levels. Everything you pointed out was dead on.

HOLY shitballs...! wowzers.....So many of you have seen some posts from Grayham Forscutt on the starseed charts. You may be wondering what that is all about. I have been joking about "me" trying to decipher what Grayham is teaching us because he is brilliant. It is like someone is trying to teach me how to re-wire a car and I have never opened the hood. That's how much I understood astrology.... however.... - I had my chart done and it has been so fun, so eye-opening learning more about astrology, and about me, the Higher self decisions- and my choices.


I have listened to my recordings 3 times and I keep on learning. It keeps surprising me how awesome it is. So look at the examples throughout the site and consider having yours done. VERY reasonably priced for what you get to find out. Grayham Forscutt surprisingly I only have 457 questions. I emailed you. Just kidding, only 3.

Hi Grayham, A note of appreciation to my Galactic Astrology chart that you have prepared and sent to me a few weeks back ... An astounding collection of information that you have brought forward through your Astrology chart reading system that has produced some astonishing results to help myself towards my future path forward from this point... nothing short of amazing to say the least. Also have to mention the uncanny amount of synchronizities I had experienced ( all great experiences too ) when I first listened to your readings as well. This is all a high level experience of learning, as to the subjects I have been resonating deep within - so deep that I wasn't even sure they ( subjects ) could be a possibility, of the powers one could have, let alone to have the ability to bring them to the surface, to further develop and nurture ... this is all just only the beginning for sure. Yes, I am a starseed logging into the galactic administration and voluntarying to move forward with my chosen projects here on this planet.


OH. MY. GOD. Seriously, I am floored. I just started my progressions audio and within the first 3 minutes, you had my eyes watering because the truth was so overwhelming. I CANNOT wait to sit down tonight and start taking notes.

The interior decorator part of my chart is me being naturally good at setting homes, rooms up to feel like a home, to me everything sits in harmony when its in its correct spot the energy flows etc. i also use my love of horticulture to design and make gardens look and feel happy, again just comes naturally to me 🙂 its fascinating to see how our charts reflect those qualities plus so much more. The hypno part i take is my intuition which has always been strong but is definitely growing as i grow as a person. Ive always been interested in stars, etc but my first chart has definitely correctly shown the time of my coming into learning and reawakening all my aspects of self, ie searching out starseeds and learning what that entailed, etc. im grateful to have come across you and had my charts read and interpreted by you, its truly life changing and helps me open up more parts of interest to go learning and searching about.

Thank you so much for my birth chart. It is blowing my mind and touching my soul! I resonate with so much of it.
A bit of background: I grew up in a religious 'christian' cult, and all things astrology were deeply frowned upon. It has taken me this long to reach out and have my chart done!
I have just started making my way through all the information, but overall, I have a great feeling of understanding myself so much more, and also confirmation for were I am in life. A few examples: vocation-wise, I am a nurse and an aromatherapist. I have had a long-standing passion for working with people at the end of life, and have been thinking I would like to explore being a grief counselor in the future. I love interior design, fashion and history, so I buy and sell vintage treasures. Birdsong and music in general is a deep comfort to me, and has helped me through many dark patches. It is a great comfort to know that I really am following my path and using my skills. I can't wait to find out more, and continue developing them!

I'm happy I did this Grayham. So accurately descriptive and mind blowing actually. Thank You for your incredible work!!!

OMG, Grayham! These charts and your explanation of them are right on target! Thank you also for the added information regarding Procyon. I am so impressed with the thoroughness and seeming accuracy of the information. Thank you and much love to you!!.

WOW!!! Thank you so much! This is an amazing experience. I haven't had enough time to absorb all the information yet, my mind a bit shaking. Some part was quite shocking but in a good way. I will have to go through all of it a few times I guess. It's such a complex chart, I'm impressed! Thank you very much for the astrology chart. I have listened to it twice, though I have not gotten to study the graphics thoroughly yet. Just wanted to reach out with a brief message to connect. You seem extremely familiar, and your voice is soothing and hued with benevolence. I look forward to talking more soon, once I do a bit more study of my chart. So far I have resonated quite deeply with what I have heard. Thanks again!


I am very pleased with everything. It is very, very, accurate. It revealed things I had just started receiving about myself through mediation and guided past life regression. It is such a plethora of information and data, that I will be combing through it for months.

I have already listened through your breakdown twice! You have a special talent (and voice) for sure! I am glad you have chosen to share your gift with those who seek! Much of the information in the chart you did for me does indeed line up incredibly will with what occured in my life in the past 3-4 years. Current evolutions continue to fall in line as well. The timing of everything in my life has synchronized quite well, and indeed all of the skills and missions layed out in the chart, are exactly the direction my life went. From the artist, to the activist, to the musician, to the awakening process and activations. Turns out everything fell into place at around the times you outlined and extrapolated from my chart. It was impressive to see how accurate so much of it was, and continues to be. I am still figuring out how the Arcturian aspect fits into it all, but in the time period when you wrote the post regarding Arcturus, there were major events taking place within my own practice, and my own research/contact/and work involving the building of a wellness center (seen in my chart as well), my music (seen in the chart), and my putting together the complicated pieces of the cloaked craft phenomena I have worked hard on. Things are really coming together right now.

Just finished your audio after reading and looking through your charts and writing. So many interests and ideas that I've had over the past year make complete sense!

GOODNESS! You really brought me to tears with your reading and it's amazing to hear and read what I have worked so hard to discover. It's like a life affirmation. Thank you for helping me build my confidence with the spiritual path a lot more than it was. Believe me! I'll be sharing with my friends how wonderful you are at your art. thank you again Grayham.

Highly recommend! Brilliant insights for star peeps.

Thanks for my reading....listening to the recording now. Was really interesting! Resonates, lots to unpack and relisten to. My favorite info thus far....remarkable resource! Always recommending it to others!


Wow! Thank you Grayham When you first spoke about the great attractor it made me feel like you were pointing in the direction of home, would that be where I possibly come from, if not from this galaxy? I've just felt so out of place all my life... There is so much to take in, it's really expansive compared to the usual chart, which I had done about 15 years ago. 

These charts have been a beautiful and insightful gift for me, and I'm sure for K too. It's been a wonderful journey through the cosmos with you. I feel like I've come to know myself more deeply and dimensionally. Thank you so much for the years you've put into making these marvelous connections, and for all the knowledge and wisdom they give to others.

I have mine. Do you have yours. Really truthful info here. Mr. Grayham Forscutt does awesome job. Check it out.


I'm still in awe over the accuracy of the spectacular reading and Galactic Astrological chart that you created for me Grayham! Grateful for all of the work you have done over the years, making it possible for StarSeeds to connect with missions and StarFamilies! I am delighted your reading has confirmed I am listening to my higher self and right on path. Thank you so much.

I am still going over mine. In the beginning I couldn't understand a thing but listen your audio few times I finally start seeing what you said. You are spot on with everything. I kind of knew my skills but in my environment there is almost nothing that I can apply. I was not sure of my contract and that's why I needed your confirmation. It shocked me, the fact that you saw that 6 years ago something happened to me and that's the point that my life finally started to settle and prepare for the awakening process. Thank you for crossing my path. Bless you for doing this work. I have done and am doing work in all the aspects and positions you mention in the chart. The variety and combinations are spot on(pun intended). I will be listening and looking at this material many times, digesting and processing it in layers. Thank you again for your wonderful work!


I cannot say enough to describe how the chart you did has helped me carry out my assignment, and corroborate past readings I've had from other modalities. The more I unpack the reading, the more I can describe what it is doing. 

Wanted to let you know.. The reading you did for me was the equivalent of someone turning on the lights in a room where i was left to feel my way around in the dark. My feelings may have been accurate but the reading was exactly the confirmation i needed to be sure of that! It has been essentially empowering to all that i am currently awakening to with regard to this incarnation. Seriously cannot thank you enough!

I am BLOWN AWAY grayham ! this reading is incredible ! and your voice is such a blessing to listen to thank you so much !!!! Incredible and well worth every penny spent for his reading. I just received mine last week. Lots of confirmations a couple of interesting surprises but it helped me to understand why I have so many different interests lol but really brought confirmation as to what my focus should be regarding my create side.


I am very much drawn to this and am still being blown away by all the pieces you sent. It's like just when I think I've opened all the presents I find more! For example, as I listened to some of your recordings you were referring to the Healing folder. I was traveling in car so didn't have access to all the docs/files but only the mp3 so I could listen during my work commute. I had no recollection of the Healings folder. So then I searched tonight and BAM .... more stuff than I knew was possible. Such a generous offering.
I have been an engineer (civil/environmental) in this lifetime and so was predominately left brained. I love how science is such an integral part of what I once thought was fiction-based. So very fascinated by phi, etc.
The past lives info but even more so the future (which you discussed the search for info over last 18 months or more) is so spot on. The galactic stars don't lie! It was fascinating to hear so much about the different arts that my past lives included. Other than writing poetry when I was a child, music and art have not been my THING in this lifetime. Of course, it's not over yet so we shall see!
I loved hearing about the frequencies, sound healing (taping water sound which I have done for myself but never under water so want to try that!), Lite water, etc. And again I have always been science based person so love the physicists, biologists, who have thought outside the box to bring new concepts to the forefront. I feel very revived and so interested in all of this and want to immerse myself into learning everything I can about all of this.
I can't say thank you enough and i haven't even begun to scratch the surface here. I feel strongly that I will be taking your course in the near future as I feel I'm being called to do so.

I could not have enough courage to tell another human all these things about myself that you've found in my chart. Even down to the telescoping - I can literally see things microscopically without the use of any equipment, as well as of course remote view, etc.
This reading and the information you have shared are invaluable. And I have been watching LOTR once a month for about 2 years now. 🙂 And so much about physics happening in my head. Perhaps now, I will take some courses. You are ground-breaking, absolutely cutting edge pioneer. My sincere appreciation.


My mind is officially blown. It blows me away that you were able to figure this out and then to offer it as a service. I have listened to the recordings a couple of times. Now im listening and taking notes.. and HOLY COW.. My mind is absolutely blown. Thank you again .. This is amazing ... I just have no words .. all I can do is just be so damn grateful to you for giving me this gift.. I have so much research to do and im so excited.

Hi Grayham,
Listening to past lives third time now…
Yes, I’m a fan!
Your incredible.
Thank you so much.
A lot to sink in and integrate and then review again.
Deep bow to you Grayham for your incredible gift to us all.

Hi there Grayham , just wanted to say thanks so much for my chart . Admittedly i cried when i listened to the chart . It has been so beneficial and consolidating for me and the path ahead . So much there that made so much sense and many duh moments, think my synthesiser arrived a couple of days after and have been listening to Steve Roach ever since .. I hope its ok to recommend you to some of my friends .. Although i know you are swamped .. I feel since i have heard and connected with my Arcturian heritage i have been able to connect with and have felt very protected . I also feel that the chart activated alot in me that was waiting for me to remember . So thank you from my Heart and Soul to yours . Much love x


Hi Grayham,
A note of appreciation to my Galactic Astrology chart that you have prepared and sent to me a few weeks back ...
An astounding collection of information that you have brought forward through your Astrology chart reading system that has produced some astonishing results to help myself towards my future path forward from this point... nothing short of amazing to say the least.
Also have to mention the uncanny amount of synchronizities I had experienced ( all great experiences too ) when I first listened to your readings as well.
This is all a high level experience of learning, as to the subjects I have been resonating deep within - so deep that I wasn't even sure they ( subjects ) could be a possibility, of the powers one could have, let alone to have the ability to bring them to the surface, to further develop and nurture

Grayham just read my galactic birth chart. I was Hopi in a past life. I was quite surprised by that. You nailed all the other past lives I knew about already. I've always had an attraction to Native American culture, but never in my life did I think I WAS one in a past life. I've never really had an inkling to travel out west except for Mt Shasta and the Orgeon Coast, but lately, I'm being drawn to the desert. I heard it is absolutely beautiful and the energy is amazing. I don't want to reply to you until I've read everything, but I am sitting here listening to your audio and I am completely floored. No words. Part of me is laughing out loud, other parts of me started crying because it rang SO TRUE. I'm not sure where the tears came from other than it is nice to know that what I've been feeling/thinking for years actually has a reason behind it. You are amazing and I've only just begun what you've given me.


Have just finished listening to my birth chart... WOW! Synchronizities at every point !!!! Huge info about my within already ... I am on fire now with clarity starting to unfold already ... Brilliant Grayham ... I'll stop now and resonate - save the rest for tomorrow ... simply amazing!! Funny how I had asked you also about Telepathy before I had listen to the birth chart audio. Top level stuff Grayham ... !! Thanks so much again Pin point accuracy to say the least ... exciting The charts you do are incredible. i am still floored by the reading.

I've finally finished 'part one' and I am in awe. I've had my charts done before and always happy with the results...but yours so indepth and AMAZEBALLS.

On the topic of earth Grid I’ve been experimenting with etheric Balance through chembusting and medicine wheels. I can see a difference. Your work with me on my chart really helped clear up what my mission is and I really appreciate it.

I just want to say that my jaw is fully on the floor of how amazingly accurate and inspiring your Galactic Reading is!!! A beautiful (and amazing) confirmation of what's already started to happen in my life, but offered in a wider context.

Chart Construction Feedback

The first 4 classes Ive taken so far have been an absolute pleasure, I feel like I've learned how to visualize astronomical allignments in real time through hyperspace.
It was such a simple and easy to understand lesson.
Grayham was very easy going and didnt give too much homework!


The chart construction class with Grayham was excellent. He met me where I was at by allowing me to ask the specific questions I had about how to construct the charts, along with some of the theory behind it as well. He also gave me some great tools and insights beyond my questions. If you are looking to get into Galactic Astrology more, this class is well worth it!

Grayham is a responsive teacher and meets you at your own individual level of understanding. It's a relaxed session of questions and answers so come prepared with a list of questions you want answers to. After Grayham answers the questions, one is able to get a better understanding of what is required of them to draw and interpret these charts. It's great foundational step and always a pleasure to learn and chat with Grayham!

Grayham has given me 1-2-1 to tuition on construction and interpretation of heliocentric charts using the decagon nodes of his Galactic Astrology system. I took the 1-2-1 tuition after he interpreted my own chart and was actually able to note past events in my progressions chart that enabled me to trust his system and therefore learn it. It applies the decagon nodes as a method of aspectation that informs a starseed of their assignment tool kit as it is actualizing through progressions. He employs Classical Thought in the Qualities of the Planets and Asteroids with New Age Thought of the Galactic Astrology comprehensively and concisely, and teaches all this in a similar fashion. In New Age Thought which is often plagued by nonsense, his work and teaching methodology cuts through distortions of thought and emotion that often obstructs the assignments starseeds are incarnate with. Learning his system of Galactic astrology is a means for remembrance and realising our relationship to our Galactic and Supergalactic family and the spiritual science at work in this. M.

Galactic Astrology class with Grayham was a beautiful and deeply rewarding experience. Grayham shares insights and perspectives from vintage point of his 30 years+ reserarch of the subject. His class explores complex subjects, and yet Graham presents it in a way that's easy to understand. The whole system of Galctic Astrology he developed is fascinating, offering wide range of inspiring insights into our higher mission and skills we developed along many previous lifetimes. In addition to this, Grayham's view of Galaxy as a highly complex, living Angelic being opened many new intuitive connections that helped me connect with it on a deeper and more direct way. I am grateful for generosity with which Grayham shared his wisdom and I recommend his class wholeheartedly. Thank you!
V. J.