Famous Starseed Examples

Famous Starseed Examples

There are perhaps 300 million Starseed now incarnate.   Starseed Charts include: David Bohm – Frank Zappa – Uri Geller – Heath Ledger – Alison Moyer – Linda Carter – Nick Drake – Barry Gibb – Neil Young – Darryl

Galactic Astrology

Galactic Astrology

The Stargate through our Sun refers to the Sun’s Portal Event Horizon, through which Starseed and Alliance Groups come and go. Galactic Astrology reveals the Akashic Memories/Skills of the Soul, memories stored within the OverSoul’s Akashic Records at our Milky

A Wink from the Heart of the Central Spiritual Sun

A Wink from the Heart of the Central Spiritual Sun

Astronomers note our galaxy and local cluster VirgoA are orbiting the Great Attractor, the heart of Laniakea, next they discovered that Laniakea and other superclusters are orbiting the largest magnetic attractor in our universe the Shapley Supercluster, at the centre



Galactic Administration

visit Shapely Supercluster


